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Posts under 'HTML'
Fluid-Modular Type-scale
How to use Fluid Typography with Modular Scale in CSS?
26th Oct, 2021
Last updated 3 years ago
Modular Scale typography looks harmonic, whereas Fluid typography is more responsive. Read to find how you can use them both, together.
How to detect Visibility and Scroll progress of a component in React.js? Intro to react-intersection-revealer.
How to detect and track Visibility and Scroll progress of a component in React.js?
26th Sep, 2021
Last updated 3 years ago
One of the the easiest ways to detect and track the Visibility and Scroll progress of a component in React.js is to use react-intersection-revealer. Read to find out how you can do it.
How to create Responsive Grid Layouts in React with one line?
How to create Responsive Grid Layouts in React.js with one line?
1st Sep, 2021
Last updated 3 years ago
Want to create responsive grid layouts in React.js? What if I can give you a one-liner solution? Read on.